First Calendar of OSU Male Students Published
News Transcript
(This is an unedited, uncorrected transcript):
Note: This news story relates to a male calendar not published by the current publishers of "Campus Men." This news story is offered for its historical value.
Narrator: It's a calendar that's caught an eyeful of attention on and off the campus of Ohio State University.
12 glossy photos, all featuring male OSU students
And who do you suppose put this all together? Some slick Madison Avenue publishing firm perhaps?
Meet the publishing company: Evelyn Moore, a housewife from suburban Groveport.
She spends most of time taking care of her family, but several months ago, on a whim, she decided to take on an even bigger challenge: to produce the first all-male OSU calendar.
She had gotten the idea from a similar calendar she'd seen in Michigan. Evelyn thought she could do a better job. So, she jumped in headfirst with no training or experience at publishing or photography.
Evelyn Moore: I have absolutely none. This has been a tremendous learning experience for me and that's what's kept it so interesting and it's been a challenge, a personal challenge and I did it.
So where do you start? Evelyn and a camera-toting friend plunged into the campus area, stopping men and asking if they were interested.
Evelyn Moore: Some people thought it was a joke. Some people were really complemented and some just didn't know what to think.
It took quite a bit of its hutspa, but Evelyn actually got few rejections.
Evelyn Moore: In the beginning I was simply looking for someone who had a certain amount of personal charisma and a person who seemed to have a good-natured personally and I also wanted to get all different types of people to appeal to a wide range. I did not want the calendar to be just a catalog or calendar of what I like because my tastes might be very limited.
After weeks of searching, Evelyn had compiled more than 60 snapshots and personality sketches of likely candidates.
How to pick the best? Easy. Ask other women. Evelyn took the photos everywhere with her to places like Hair Hunters Beauty Salon, where she asked everyone, both employees and customers, to rate the men on the scale of 1 to 10. It seems that the judges had the most fun in this contest.
None of the women seemed undecided. They all had strong opinions. The men were rated both on their appearances and personality sketches. To Evelyn, it was just as important to pick men who were interesting as well as good-looking.
The twelve men with the highest scores were selected to appear in the calendar.
Now came the real challenge. Evelyn hired a professional photographer John Jewett and set each of the men in a location that suited his personality ... a studious type on campus ... a skydiver in front of his airplane ...
Evelyn Moore: I wanted to capture the guys in our own element. So, therefore, I did not want them to wear something that wasn't reflective of their personalities. Now remember Evelyn had no fashion photography experience. She was making this all up as she went long. On top of that the guys never modeled before either...
Some of them had to go through several photo sessions to get it right.
Model Chris Gilmore: I had two of them. The first one, I was really nervous because -- I mean -- nothing like that had ever been done before and I didn't know what to do. They had to tell me to do this and do that and I just didn't know. The second one was a little better because they fed me some beer before I went on-camera. So, I was a little more relaxed then.
So, who are the twelve men of OSU?
This is Chris Gilmore of Uhrichsville Ohio. A fellow who says one of the biggest shocks of his life was being chosen for the calendar.
Ken Goodson of Xenia Ohio. He works part time as a bartender and is an expert Frisbee player.
Chris Holgate, Worthington Ohio. He's a member of the OSU Soccer Team and would like to become a politician.
Sal Drago, a native of Palermo Sicily who grew up in New York City he's also a soccer player.
Earl Webb from Elyria Ohio. He's considered to be the most outgoing of the one of the bunch.
Scott Carter, hometown Cincinnati. He wants to be a chemical engineer but his greatest love is swimming.
Mark Jacobs of Columbus Mark is studying to be a lawyer.
Clark Backus, from Maitland Florida, an inside linebacker for the Ohio State Buckeyes. He too wants to become a lawyer.
Greg Davis of Oyster Bay, New York. He's a member of the OSU Karate Team.
Dan Brodsky-Chenfield from Columbus. Dan is a skydiving instructor and pilot. His major naturally, is aviation.
Frank Ciotti from Euclid Ohio is a computer engineer and weightlifter.
And Michael Grunden from Bryan Ohio who likes to ride motorcycles and hopes one-day to ride one to Alaska.
After hiring a printing company to put the calendar to press, Evelyn had one more problem, how to sell the thing. She did that the way she did everything else: by simply barreling in. Calendars in hand, she buttonholed bookstore managers all over town and it worked. She called newspaper and TV reporters and set up her own publicity campaign and Evelyn Moore, a housewife who didn't know anything about what she was doing, became a successful calendar publisher.
Evelyn Moore: I just have an overall warm feeling because I really know that I've gone out and I've made myself 12 wonderful friends.
Originally published Oct. 25, 1983. Story © PM Magazine. This text is exactly as published.